Termites are extremely small in size. Houses invaded by termites are hard to detect until the huge damage is done. Therefore, it is hard to detect termite infestation in the early stages. It is always better to opt for proactive measures to avoid the entry of pests inside the house.
Every house is unique but you can minimize the chances of termites to attack by following multiple methods. Here in this guide, we have mentioned a few yet most recommended practices that might assist in preventing termites in the first place.
1. Eliminate Wood In Contact With The Ground.
The direct contact of the wooden content of the house with the soil is problematic and results in termite infestation. Termites get easy access to moisture, shelter, and food when there is direct contact between earth and wood. This way termites also get an easy entrance into the house as well. Therefore you must eliminate all the direct points of contact between the wood and soil. Posts or stairs embedded in concrete are also vulnerable to termite attacks since they usually extend through the concrete to the soil.
2. Avoid Accumulation Of Moisture Near The Foundation
The moisture presence is a point of attraction for the termites. Usually when the soil present near the foundation is consistently moist then the chances of termite infestation are enhanced. Therefore, try to maintain the gutters and drains of the house to have a proper water system. For termite control, leaking pipes, faucets, sinks, taps, and conditioning units must be repaired.
Moreover, try to have a graded or sloped surface ground present next to the foundation. This helps in draining the water away from the building. Houses that have poor drainage systems must have tiles or drains installed to avoid damage to the foundation in any way.
3. Avoid Storing Firewood Or Wood Debris Against Foundations Or Inside Crawl Spaces
Firewood, lumber, cardboard boxes, newspapers, and similar materials attract termites and provide a source of food. Stacked against foundations they also offer hidden entry into the structure and may allow termites to bypass surrounding soil treated with a termiticide. Vines, ivy, and other dense plantings touching the house should be avoided as well. Where practical, remove stumps and dead roots around and beneath buildings, and any form boards left in place after the building was constructed.
4. Seek Professional Pest Control Firm Assistance
Buildings tend to have easy and natural openings, which provides the termites with a way to enter the place. The termites are so minute in size that mostly they remain hidden. While the above points will assist in keeping the structure of the house less appealing to termites, another best way to avoid infestation is to safeguard the house with termiticide.
Seeking termite services to prevent a house from termites is a prudent investment especially when the building has no existing history of the treatments. If a pest control firm previously treated the building, it is a good idea to maintain the warranty by paying the annual renewal fee. This will help you get back the help of the firm in case of re-infestation.